Network MESH (West London)

Art work by Joanna Brendon

“When life goes pear-shaped, a few things can help”. Art work created by Joanna Brendon, an artist and one of our members

This is the website of Network MESH, a local M.E. self-help group, aiming to provide mutual support and information to individuals and their families affected by ME/CFS within the West London area. 


After running the group for 30 years, our chairman and founder Tony Golding has now decided to retire from his role in running Network MESH. You can read his message to the group here

As a result, the group is now taking a break from our usual activities until we can find a new volunteer to take over Tony’s responsibilities. If you wish to volunteer for this role, please email

Although we are not organising social events right now, we have set up a new Facebook group West London ME/CFS Network to help people with CFS/ME in West London to stay in touch.

You do not need to be a current member of Network MESH to join the Facebook group, anyone is welcome. So whether you have M.E. or are a carer, and wish to meet other local people with CFS/M.E., please join us in Facebook!



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